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:: Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2020) ::
QJFR 2020, 17(2): 171-189 Back to browse issues page
An Investigation of the Role and Function of the Family in Adolescents' Addiction to Social Networks: A Qualitative Study
L. Torabian , F. Ameri, Ph.D. , Z. Khosravi, Ph.D. , S. S. Banijamali, Ph.D.
Abstract:   (3617 Views)
The purpose of the present study, which is based on grounded theory, was to investigate the role and function of the family in the formation and continuation of adolescents’ addiction to social networks. A total number of 39 students (25 girls and 14 boys), 12 parents, and 11 psychologists were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire and the data were analyzed via Strauss and Corbin method. Results demonstrated that students referred to 16 primary concepts. The concepts raised by students were classified into 4 sub-categories (authoritarian parenting style, negligence and neglect, parents’ characteristics and psychological disorders, and demographic factors). Parents referred to 20 primary concepts. Concepts raised by parents were classified into 6 sub-categories (4 categories similar to those of students and two other categories called ambiguous boundaries and roles, and marital problems) and the axial category called family factors. Psychologists referred to 12 primary concepts which were classified into 5 categories similar to those of parents and students. The results showed that the parenting style, function and structure of family (including chaos, decline of parental authority, parents’ conflicts and disagreements, parents accusing each other, parents’ inconsistency in rearing children, concealment, low quality of father’ s presence in the home, the only child, and resources), and parents’ personality traits and psychological disorders (introversion, aggression, perfectionism, depression, and anxiety) play a role in adolescents’ addiction to social networks. Therefore, the parenting style, the relationships of family members with each other, and the roles and boundaries in these families require fundamental transformation.

Keywords: family, adolescents’ addiction, social networks
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/07/16 | Accepted: 2019/06/23 | Published: 2020/09/12
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Torabian L, Ameri, Ph.D. F, Khosravi, Ph.D. Z, Banijamali, Ph.D. S S. An Investigation of the Role and Function of the Family in Adolescents' Addiction to Social Networks: A Qualitative Study. QJFR 2020; 17 (2) :171-189
URL: http://qjfr.ir/article-1-1505-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2020) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه خانواده و پژوهش Quarterly Journal of Family and Research
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