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:: Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2022) ::
QJFR 2022, 19(1): 59-76 Back to browse issues page
Finding a Model for the Relationship between Environmental Components and Students’ Aggressive Behavior in Schools
K. Sajjadi , H. R. Azemati, Ph.D. , H. Moztarzadeh, Ph.D. , B. Saleh Sedghpour, Ph.D.
Abstract:   (1418 Views)
Nowadays, adolescent aggression is a concern for parents because it will lead to future social, psychological, behavioral and educational problems. In addition to genetic, family, economic and cultural factors, one of the factors contributing to aggressive behavior is environment. Due to the fact that school is the first place where adolescents socialize with their peers, the school environment can play a significant role in organizing students’ interactive and social behavior and mental and emotional health. This study set out to examine environmental components in school architectural design to reduce students' aggressive behavior. To this end, the components affecting aggression in schools were collected using library resources and documents and content analysis method. In order to complete the list of components, interviews with psychologists and behavioral experts were conducted through Delphi method and theoretical saturation approach. Grounded theory method was utilized in the analysis of interviews and through using open coding and then axial coding methods, both ends of the spectrum of components were studied. Finally, the spectrum of the relationships between environmental components and the aggression factor was analyzed by selective coding. The results indicated that mediator variables derived from environmental components such as attention to needs, spatial attractiveness and transparency, security, flexibility, stress reduction, mental health, auditory comfort and environmental calm, positive thinking, etc. are effective in reducing students' aggressive behavior. Finally, a model representing the relationship between environmental components and students' aggressive behavior was put forward.    
Keywords: environmental components, behavior, aggression, educational space, psychology
Full-Text [PDF 694 kb]   (1144 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/10/27 | Accepted: 2021/03/9 | Published: 2022/06/20
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Sajjadi K, Azemati , Ph.D. H R, Moztarzadeh, Ph.D. H, Saleh Sedghpour, Ph.D. B. Finding a Model for the Relationship between Environmental Components and Students’ Aggressive Behavior in Schools. QJFR 2022; 19 (1) :59-76
URL: http://qjfr.ir/article-1-1546-en.html

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Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2022) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه خانواده و پژوهش Quarterly Journal of Family and Research
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